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Jun 24, 2015 · On regular browsing with SPDY SSL proxy backed by nghttpx + Squid backend, I get random "Waiting for proxy tunnel" by which all tabs will not load until a short while later, then all the tabs will resume loading. During this lag period, Chrome will say "Waiting for proxy tunnel", but Squid continues to work. Tatsuhiro says: Chrome used to run properly, when all of sudden it started asking for my proxy's username and password on every page I open. After I enter them, I see the page, but then I need to type them again whenever I open another link. Chrome (last version) is behind my university's proxy, whose address is configured in Win7 "lan settings". IE works fine. Join over 20 million TunnelBear users who worry less about browsing on public WiFi, online tracking or blocked websites. TunnelBear for Chrome is an incredibly simple extension that can help you: Reduce the ability for websites, advertisers and ISPs to track your browsing Secure your browser on public WiFi Get around blocked websites Connect to a lightning fast private network with connections Hi, I purchased your vpn subscription but I cannot get the chrome extension to work - it installs ok and connects but when i try to open a page a message stating "waiting for proxy tunnel" appears on the browser status bar and page is not opened. Aug 02, 2019 · Look for “System” section and click on the “Open proxy settings” link. It will open internet properties dialog box on Windows 10 and network preferences settings in macOS.

Fix: Google Chrome Waiting for Proxy Tunnel When Loading

Aug 02, 2019 · Look for “System” section and click on the “Open proxy settings” link. It will open internet properties dialog box on Windows 10 and network preferences settings in macOS. Much like Google Chrome constantly crashing or Chrome not responding, even a waiting for proxy error may cause an annoyance to those surfing the web in the web browser. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for this page to work. Warten auf Proxy-Tunnel ist eine Fehlermeldung, die Benutzer manchmal beim Versuch, eine Webseite zu laden oder eine Website zu öffnen, in Chrome Browser sehen. In den meisten Fällen wird das Problem durch Anpassen oder Anpassen einiger Chrome-Einstellungen behoben.

Sada to sustav više neće pokušavatiautomatski otkriva postavke proxyja i koristi ručne postavke proxyja (ako su konfigurirane) ili se ne koristi proxy. Ponovo pokrenite Google Chrome. Više ne biste trebali vidjeti Chrome statusnu poruku "Waiting for Proxy Tunnel".

How to empty Google Chrome's cache to fix the "waiting for Clearing Google Chrome’s Cache. To clear the cache in Google Chrome click the little more icon (three dots on top of each other) top right of the application window. The menu below appears when you click it. Squid HTTPS Tunnelling using CONNECT very slow - Server Fault when I visit a website that is HTTPS using chrome, the first page loads very slowly. The status bar on chrome says "Waiting for proxy tunnel". Chrome uses the CONNECT verb to tunnel through the proxy and establish HTTPS with the server. Subsequent pages are fast because Chrome keeps the connection open. I checked my squid3 logs.